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Julie Ricardi proudly displaying the

LakeSmart Award sign on her property

 LakeSmart Program Resources

LakeSmart Program

The Sabbathday Lake Association supports the LakeSmart Program - a program sponsored by the Maine Lakes Society - as a means to effective protect our lake environment.  It recognizes waterfront homeowners who use natural landscaping strategies to protect the health of Sabbathday Lake.  We are very fortunate to have an active lake association that does everything it can to keep our lake at its best.


The 2009 Watershed Survey of Sabbathday Lake found a few “trouble spots” where erosion and run-off could be improved.  We encourage you to take a look at the survey (found in Appendix C) and see if your property was one of the ones identified.  If you have taken steps to improve your lakefront, we are very appreciative of your efforts.


There is additional information on this website about native plants that make excellent buffers. 


Please review all of the information identified in the links listed. Start first with "Standards and Better Management Practices (BMPs) for Homeowner" as this gives you the best summary for participating in the LakeSmart Program.

Also, please review Maine Shoreland Zoning Handbook to make sure you understand the State's mandatory zoning requirements.

Currently Maine Lakes is looking for a Sabbathday Lake Evaluator - Visit the Maine Lakes, Lake Smart page to learn more!


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